Who are Hope & Harry?


Hope and Harry is a semi-autobiographical comic about my family. Hope is a lot like me, except probably better, kinder, and more patient. Harry is a lot like my husband, except not quite as funny or good looking. Hope and Harry have two daughters and a cat just like my husband and I do, and many of the things that happen to them are based loosely on things that actually happen to our kids, their friends, our family friends or more often than I would like to admit, just made up by our family over dinner.

Hope and Harry is a comic that really celebrates the lives of families and the funny and strange things that happen to them. It’s all about busy schedules, unpredictable pets, unexpected catastrophes and the world of children’s imagination. I hope you will stop by for a coffee and a cookie and be ready to listen to Claire and Piper tell you all about their latest adventure.


The Mid-Winter Suck is that time between New Year's and the End of February when there are no holidays and snow has turned to ice, and everything looks grey.  The snow is hard and full of gravel and the car is filthy and gets my work clothes dirty every time I enter or exit, but it's still too slushy/cold to properly wash it.

It's the time of year when inspiration flies away, and takes any ambition and drive I have away with it.

But I'm making comics anyway.  Because if there is one thing I have learned about the Mid-Winter Suck it's that it will eat up my time and leave me feeling even worse, and I would rather try to make things, even crappy things, than let the Mid-Winter Suck win.

So here it is my friends.  This weeks crappy comic.  Let me know how you battle the winter blues in the comments. And if you enjoy Hope and Harry, consider buying me a coffee at Ko-fi ( http://ko-fi.com/kathleenr )



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