- 1. Piper's Guide to Adult
- (Hope and Harry)
- Piper is heading to adulthood and because of that she is wondering what the big differences are between grown-ups and kids. So far communication has come to mind. In my real world things are certainly ...
- 2. Piper
- (Who are Hope & Harry?)
- Piper is the oldest sister and has a serious nature. She nearly always has a book in her hands and is trying to figure out how to solve the problems of the world – when she isn’t a foil for her sister’s ...
- 3. My Own Personal Demon
- (Hope and Harry)
- Hey, we all deal with that negative voice sometimes. At least I hope I'm not the only one, otherwise that voice is right about me! Sometimes I do lack confidence, despite working really hard and ...
- 4. Regrets, I have a Few
- (Hope and Harry)
- Piper is full of regret (and deep fried Oreos) and the two are definitely connected! Welcome to what for many people is the first real week of January. School is probabaly back in session where you ...
- 5. Merry Crisis - I mean Christmas
- (Hope and Harry)
- 6. Metaphorically Speaking
- (Hope and Harry)
- As a rule of thumb, the metaphors for your life should not be edible. Piper is having some full-on adult-sized stress and that's OK. We all get that sometimes. I am certainly feeling the pressure ...
- 7. Destiny
- (Hope and Harry)
- Sometimes you find your destiny, and sometimes it's assigned to you by a fortune cookie. This is based on a real fortune cookie my Piper got at dinner on Friday night. I thought it was custom made ...
- 8. Over Extended
- (Hope and Harry)
- Yes, teaching a class about comics is making it hard for me to actually make comics. But I will persevere. One thing about teaching the class is that it is making me look at my work even more critically ...
- 9. Embiggenation
- (Hope and Harry)
- Yes! the transformation is complete. I have allowed the kids to grow up into teens pretty much overnight. It's not so obvious with Piper, but Claire has moved from 8 to 15 in pretty short order. ...
- 10. Don't Car
- (Hope and Harry)
- It's pretty clear that Piper has decided on her hair role model. What do you think of the new look Hope and Piper? If you like the comic and want to support me consider contributing to my Patreon, or ...
- 11. The Trip Pt.7 - She's Bac
- (Hope and Harry)
- She's home and everything is good again. This story took a long time to finish because it was hard for me. It was hard for me to wrap up this story because it's pretty close to my heart. Watching ...
- 12. The Trip pt.6 - Too Soon
- (Hope and Harry)
- It's Comic Update Day! And Aunt Delores is Back! Hope is not dealing well with her kids getting older. and Aunt Delores knows it's just a matter of time. Thanks Delores for letting me draw ...
- 13. The Trip pt.5 - Getting to Know You!
- (Hope and Harry)
- Traveling helps you learn about the world. It also let's the world learn about you. ...
- 14. The Trip Pt. 4 - Goat Stories
- (Hope and Harry)
- Hello All, I'm back from my short break and feeling better. We are picking up on Piper's trip (only one more strip to go) and then we are going to start a new story arc. Archie is making ...
- 15. The Trip pt.3 - Local Culture
- (Hope and Harry)
- Piper is uncertain about local customs in this week's comic. She also claims that Canadian coffee is weak compared to German coffee. Which could just be a household thing. Have a great week! ...
- 16. Happy Father's Day
- (Hope and Harry)
- Just a quick comic to celebrate Dads. Our story arc of Piper's travels will continue in a rare mid-week update to get everything back on track. I hope you enjoyed your day! ...
- 17. The Trip pt.2 - Goodbye
- (Hope and Harry)
- ... wonder how she'll hold up while Piper is away. Behind the scenes, I'm sorry I didn't update last week - I had a wisdom tooth removed and was essentially stoned all weekend. I could have made a comic, and ...
- 18. The Trip pt.1 - Wait, What?
- (Hope and Harry)
- Annnnd... We're Back! Piper is getting ready to go on a big trip and Hope is coming to the realization that Piper is going a big trip! Thanks to Stephen who plays the part of Piper' ...
- 19. Mother’s Day Break
- (Uncategorised)
- Hey Everyone, I took the weekend off this week to hang out with my own mom, and with my kids. Hope and Harry resumes next weekend with a new story about Piper. I’ll see you then! Kathleen
- 20. Just No
- (Uncategorised)
- Sometimes the family is much more helpful than other times. Guess which time this is....? These are the last cameos from last years Comic Expo just before the start of this year's comic expo. Panel ...