Hello All,
I'm back from my short break and feeling better. We are picking up on Piper's trip (only one more strip to go) and then we are going to start a new story arc.
Archie is making his Calgary Comic Expo Cameo appearance as the tour guide and has been moved to Prague. I hope he doesn't mind!
I'm finishing up a very odd comic for me and will post it for my Patreon supporters, but probably not anywhere else - it's a bit too weird for my normal channels! (I have an image to maintain after all)
Have a great week!
If you like the comic and want to support me consider contributing to my Patreon, or just buying me a cup of coffee. Your support of my comic ensures that I can keep the comic ad-free and helps pay for the subscription for my drawing software. It also just says that you want to support my work, which is pretty awesome.
Patreon supporters get advanced comics and get exclusive content like my new comic "Mornings with Cletus" which is only available to Patrons.