
Well Hope isn't getting the kind of response that she wanted. Luckily I'm a little more fortunate in that my family is helping out with my 100 Days of Comics challenge, and my kids are even doing the 100 days too and developing their own comics.  That's pretty awesome.

If you are curious about what the 100 Days of Comics is all about you can start here and feel free to follow me on Twitter or circle me on G+ to get all the updates.

Also if you are a regular reader it would be so great if you would consider supporting me on Patreon.  Ond dollar a month can help out  - and have all kinds of reward levels.  If things keep going well I might even have some short comic books to offer to patrons in the new year.  Real phyiscal books!

Anyway - Things are going great for Hope and Harry, and I hope they are going great for you too.




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